What is so special about this simple, non-assuming tool? Do you know these unique uses of PostIt notes that can help you improve your effectiveness and Productivity?
PostIt note pad is my Swiss Knife as I help enterprises transform to Agile. They can help you in delivering an impactful message that increases creativity and collaboration, leading to higher productivity.
Swiss Knife
As Simon Sinek, author of the book “Start with Why“, let’s explore the reasons why this is a very compelling tool and why I am so passionate about it 🙂
the WHYs of PostIt
In the world of smartphones and smartwatches, you might have overlooked this simple, not so sexy tool. I would, in fact, argue that you don’t want smart tools, instead, you just want to use a tool smartly. Here are some of the reasons why I am so passionate about it.
Many uses of PostIts
[bctt tweet=”Many uses of PostIt.. pic.twitter.com/Rvrf6km9eM #transformation #Agile #scrum”]Are you using this ‘secret’ tool effectively?
Over the next few days, through a series of posts, I want to re-introduce you this tool. I promise you that you will learn many sides of it that you have not even thought of using it for.
Post It is a registered trademark of 3M. And, no, I do not own stocks of 3M. 🙁
Next Article in this series: