PostIt as a Yellow Card

In this series of Blog posts on 5 unique uses of PostIt notes, so far we talked about using Post It for Doodling and Visual note taking. Let’s talk about another unique way to use it.

In the (controlled) chaotic world of Agile, we are always looking for ways to have everyone participate in the ongoing discussions in the room. We are looking to have collaborative sessions where everyone brings in their view points.

When you have more than two people in the room, it is very easy to get off-track. We need a ‘referee’ to keep things moving in the right direction and stay the course. Unlike Soccer where only referee can raise the Yellow flag, we can empower entire team with this Yellow card.

Showing Yellow Card-Nimesh Soni-Agile-Scrum-Transformation

This acts as a visual indicator and anyone in the room can raise it, if they feel that:

  • the conversation is off-track and we are wasting everyone’s time
  • conversation does not help us get to the goal we set out for in the beginning of the session
  • the conversation is going into ‘weeds’
  • S/he needs to break the conversation to give everyone a pause and ensure being on track

The team member has to briefly explain the reasoning for raising the Yellow card and request the team to get back to the appropriate discussions.

Often times, the out come of raising a Yellow card is additional items going on to the Parking Lot. Agile teams generally should have yellow Post It notes handy, and being agile, you make the most of what you are given. So, I came up with this idea of (re) using yellow Post It notes as Yellow card.

In a collaborative session that we want to have, you need every one to actively participate, yet stay on the central topic of the discussion. it is easier said than done! This is a simple concept, yet, very effective tool to aid the team and keep the communication and collaboration on the right track, making the sessions more productive for the team.

It improves productivity, enhances collaboration within team, as well as helps build the chemistry and trust among team members. It also helps those who are ‘soft spoken’, those ‘introverts’ in a sense that it provides them a tool to voice their concerns.

Go ahead, and make your next session very productive. Don’t be afraid to use it!

Yellow Card

[bctt tweet=”Use this Yellow Card to keep your #collaboration sessions on track! #scrum #transformation”]

#makeTheShift: Start using MMPs and MVIs

Too long we have used the terminologies such as Projects and Phases. It’s time to make the shift! Let’s overhaul our dictionary and start using terminologies such as MVPs and MVIs. Why such a big fuss about terminology itself?

Start using MMPs and MVIs

The terminology, the words we use influence our actions. The words that we use to describe things, to ourselves and our partners, affect that way we think. The thoughts affect our actions and eventually, the words have the influence on the Results that we seek. We do not want the handoffs, from one stage gate to other stage gates. Instead, we want to drive our efforts to put something, even a smaller increment of the product, in the hands of our Customers.

Shift the focus from Phases and onto creating Value. Identify the deliverables, no matter how small a product increment, that brings value to a customer. As Maryellen Weimer ( @FacultyFocus ) writes in her article, language has tremendous power to influence our thoughts and actions.

In his list of 7 Habits, Steven Covey recommends starting with an end state of mind! Identify MMP and MVIs and let them drive your development and deliveries.

[bctt tweet=”Identify MMP & MVIs-Let them drive your development & deliveries”]

#makeTheShift: Start Creating VALUE

#makeTheShift – Finishing Work and Start Creating Value


Stop starting too much work, Start creating VALUE

Too often we have too many things ‘in flight‘. With the computers in our palms and pockets, we are taking multi-tasking to the extreme! Start this new year with a promise to yourself: Promise not to start more work. Instead, shift the focus on finishing the work and creating Value.

It doesn’t matter how much work you have on your plate or how busy you are. What matters is how much Value you are creating for your customers. Adopt a Work in Progress (WIP) limit for yourself and adhere to the limit.

You will be amazed as to how much MORE you will accomplish in the new year with this formula!

[bctt tweet=”{Adopt + Adhere } to WIP limit = Amazing Accomplishments! #makeTheShift”]

Unlearn What You Have Learned

Ten Habits You Must Break To Be Successful with Scrum

In the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back when Luke Skywalker tries unsuccessfully to rescue his X-wing fighter from the swamp and gives up, Jedi Master Yoda has these words of wisdom for him:

Do or Do not, there is no try! You must unlearn what you have learned!

Scrum is no different! It is a new approach to building and delivering Products and Services. It is an approach that is relentless in creating VALUE for customers. In Scrum, you go to your Customers with a Product Increment, often and with regular frequency.

At the core of it, Scrum requires mental shift! The successful adoption starts with us unlearning the old habits and approaching with new, fresh eyes! You have to be willing to step out of the box, step out of your comfort zone, and be willing to try and form new habits.

Here are ten habits that I believe we must unlearn to be successful at adopting scrum:

  1. Create email trailsunlearn what you have learned - make the shift - makeTheShift
  2. Use Command and Control
  3. Create disciplines and silos
  4. Be a Hero
  5. Sign off on a detailed requirements document
  6. Stick to the iron triangle
  7. Be plan driven
  8. Be IT driven
  9. Have a big bang delivery
  10. Tell teams “How,” not “What”

Remember, these are the ‘bad’ behaviors, bad habits that we must break! We must unlearn what we have learned over the years, flush them out, and start on Scrum journey with a fresh approach!

[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@beyondCSM”  remove_hidden_urls=”true”]Succeed at #scrum? Step out of comfort zone & unlearn what we have learned! #makeTheShift[/tweetthis]

The original article that I wrote and is published by Scrum Alliance can be accessed here