Unlearn What You Have Learned

In the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back when Luke Skywalker tries unsuccessfully to rescue his X-wing fighter from the swamp and gives up, Jedi Master Yoda has these words of wisdom for him: [callout] Do or Do not, there is no try! You must unlearn what you have learned! [/callout] Scrum is no different!… Continue reading Unlearn What You Have Learned

Crazy Idea: Add more Memory than Apple recommends for your Mac ?!

Thinking of adding RAM to your sluggish Apple Macbook Pro? I have a mid-2012 Macbook with 4Gb of RAM (2x2Gb). I have had it for a while and have been extremely satisfied with it, until recently. Seeing the dreaded ‘Spinning Rainbow Wheel’ more often since some of the recent updates. Now, I don’t know if the… Continue reading Crazy Idea: Add more Memory than Apple recommends for your Mac ?!

#agileReleasePlanning wall

Each column represents a Sprint in the release cycle. Each row represents a team that will be participating in this release planning exercise.   Based on the history, makeup of the teams, and what is needed for the functionality, the Chief Product Owner (CPO) may decide to pre-assign some of the work slices (open for… Continue reading #agileReleasePlanning wall

Agile Data Warehouse series: What it is? – the workflow

  In my previous post, I announced my intention of writing a series of posts talking about my recent experience with data warehouse build out in an agile transformation of EDS for a Fortune 100 company. Let’s continue our discussion on this interesting topic.  So, what exactly it is? What do I mean by agile data… Continue reading Agile Data Warehouse series: What it is? – the workflow